

(English below) 



Continue reading “新型コロナウイルス拡大防止の対応について(最新版)”











Hello Brothers and Sisters of Wakaba BBC and friends,

I pray that all of you are ok.  I am thankful to the Lord that among us, no one has gotten the coronavirus yet.  It doesn’t mean that we won’t get the coronavirus, but I am thankful for God’s protection until now.

There are a few announcements that I need to make.  We haven’t made the April schedule yet, but I need to tell you the forecast.  Due to the spread of the coronavirus, we made the decision in March to hold only Sunday morning services and to livestream Sunday morning services and the Wednesday night prayer services.  As we come close to the end of March, it seems that the spread of the coronavirus has not slowed down, but it has actually increased.  Therefore, I’m forecasting that we will have to continue the current schedule as we enter into April.  There might be a few minor changes, but if we want to stop the spread of the coronavirus, we must follow the government’s recommendations and continue what we are currently doing.  So, in April, we will continue to hold Sunday morning services only, and we will continue to livestream the Sunday morning services and the Wednesday night prayer services.  For those who are at high risk or who have an ongoing health condition, please don’t force yourself to come, but please watch the services through our Facebook pages.  If you need help to register and learn to use Facebook, the staff and others are available after the Sunday morning services, or you may contact the staff (Sis. Shinobu Suzuki, Sis. Amy Smith, or Pastor Jim Smith) directly.  We want to protect your health.  Also, those who attend the Sunday morning services in April, please continue to wear a mask and wash and sanitize your hands continually.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Besides the Sunday morning services and the livestreaming, there are a few event updates that I need to tell you.  First, I announced recently that we will go cherry blossom viewing on Sunday afternoon, March 29th in Kinrin Park.  I saw families and kids gathering at the park almost every day this week.  They were playing together.  However, there are now signs up stating that we should not gather together in large groups and we should not eat or drink anything in the park.  Therefore, sadly we must cancel the park flower viewing.  I apologize for this.  Again, we want to protect everyone’s health.  Please, understand.

Also, we will have our annual business meeting on Sunday afternoon, April 5th.  If you are a team leader, please prepare your reports for your team.  I’ll attached the document telling you what we will cover during the meeting in the next email to the church members.  I have not planned all the details yet.  Again, we want to think about everyone’s health, so I’m considering how we will hold the meeting.  I’ll give some details by next week.

Also, we will have Easter worship services on Sunday, April 12th from 10:30~11:45 a.m.  This is of course a regular worship time, but it is a very special day for us Christians.  Due to the spread of the coronavirus, we will postpone having the Lord’s Supper until a later date.  Moreover, it seems that we will have to cancel the Children’s Easter Celebration, too.  Please, understand that we are trying to comply with the local and federal government’s recommendations to stop the spread of the coronavirus.  Also, we want to protect the health of each of you.

Moreover, in last week’s email, we informed you about the coronavirus preventive measures that we were taking.  There are a few other things that we are doing at the church.  One other thing that we are doing is wiping and cleaning.  Before and after the Sunday morning service, many things that people often touch are being wiped:  chairs, doorknobs, light switches, handrails, tables, shelves, church van interior, etc.  They are all wiped with bleach water.  Another thing that we are doing is venting the 1st and 3rd floors.  This is recommended by many authorities, so we are doing this, too.

Finally, let’s pray for one another that we would keep our eyes on Jesus, and keep our faith in Him.  As Christians, while we are not fearful, we want to be wise about what we do, and we want to keep God’s Word.  Thank you for your understanding.

In Christ,
James A. Smith and Wakaba BBC staff








– 3月3日(火)プロイングリッシュ-通常通り16:30~17:30, 17:45~18:45

– 3月4日(水)弟子訓練「道しるべ」-中止(4月1日再開)

– 3月4日(水)祈り会-中止(日曜に祈りの課題を更新、各自お祈りください)

– 3月5日(木)柳瀬川聖研-中止(4月2日再開)

– 3月6日(金)プロイングリッシュ-中止(4月3日再開)

– 3月7日(土)ライフウェイ英語-中止(4月4日再開)

– 3月8日(日)午前礼拝-通常通り10:30~11:45

– 3月8日(日)昼食-中止(4月5日再開)

– 3月8日(日)日曜学校-中止(4月5日再開)

– 3月8日(日)英語礼拝-中止(4月5日再開)

– 3月10日(火)プロイングリッシュ-中止

– 3月11日(水)祈り会-中止

– 3月13日(金)プロイングリッシュ-中止

– 3月14日(土)ライフウェイ英語-中止

– 3月15日(日)午前礼拝-通常通り10:30~11:45

– 3月15日(日)昼食-中止

– 3月15日(日)日曜学校-中止

– 3月15日(日)英語礼拝-中止

– 3月15日(日)KFC-中止

– 3月17日(火)プロイングリッシュ-中止

– 3月18日(水)弟子訓練「道しるべ」-中止

– 3月18日(水)祈り会-中止

– 3月19日(木)カリス・クラブ-中止

– 3月20日(金)プロイングリッシュ-中止

– 3月21日(土)ライフウェイ英語-中止

– 3月22日(日)午前礼拝-通常通り10:30~11:45

– 3月22日(日)昼食-中止

– 3月22日(日)日曜学校-中止

– 3月22日(日)英語礼拝-中止

– 3月24日(火)プロイングリッシュ-中止

– 3月25日(水)祈り会-中止

– 3月27日(金)プロイングリッシュ-中止

– 3月28日(土)ライフウェイ英語-中止

– 3月29日(日)午前礼拝-通常通り10:30~11:45

– 3月29日(日)昼食-中止

– 3月29日(日)日曜学校-中止

– 3月31日(火)プロイングリッシュ-中止




牧師 ジェームズ・スミス


I appreciate everyone’s understanding and cooperation with the various changes in our worship and meeting schedule due to the spread of the corona virus. Please, understand that my main goal is the protection of the health of our church members and attenders. When I heard that the Japanese government asked schools to close down until April and that some JBBF pastors were adjusting their church schedules, cancelling JBBF Junior Camp, cancelling the JBBF Annual General Assembly, and cancelling Japan Baptist Bible College classes, I realized that this is a very serious situation. Therefore, I followed the judgment and wisdom of many others and immediately decided that Wakaba BBC’s schedule needs to be adjusted, too. The following is the schedule for the next month.

– March 3rd Tuesday ProEnglish Kids’ Class – as scheduled, 16:30~17:30, 17:45~18:45

– March 4th Wednesday “Directions” discipleship class – cancelled (plan to resume on first April 1st)

– March 4th Wednesday prayer service – cancelled (we will give out updated prayers lists on Sunday mornings. Please, pray at home.)

– March 5th Thursday Yanasegawa Bible study – cancelled (plan to resume on April 2nd)

– March 6th Friday ProEnglish Kids’ Class – cancelled (plan to resume April 3rd)

– March 7th Saturday Lifeway English Class – cancelled (plan to resume on April 4th)

– March 8th Sunday AM service – as scheduled, 10:30~11:45

– March 8th Sunday lunch – cancelled (plan to resume April 5th)

– March 8th Sunday school – cancelled (plan to resume April 5th)

– March 8th Sunday English worship – cancelled (plan to resume April 5th)

– March 10th Tuesday ProEnglish Kids’ Class – cancelled

– March 11th Wednesday prayer service – cancelled

– March 13th Friday ProEnglish Kids’ Class – cancelled

– March 14th Saturday Lifeway English Class – cancelled

– March 15th Sunday AM service – as scheduled, 10:30~11:45

– March 15th Sunday lunch – cancelled

– March 15th Sunday school – cancelled

– March 15th English worship – cancelled

– March 15th Kids For Christ teens class – cancelled

– March 17th Tuesday ProEnglish Kids’ Class – cancelled

– March 18th Wednesday “Directions” discipleship class – cancelled

– March 18th Wednesday prayer service – cancelled

– March 19th Thursday Charis Club – cancelled

– March 20th Friday ProEnglish Kids’ Class – cancelled

– March 21st Saturday Lifeway English Class – cancelled

– March 22nd Sunday AM service – as scheduled, 10:30~11:45

– March 22nd Sunday lunch – cancelled

– March 22nd Sunday school – cancelled

– March 22nd Sunday English worship – cancelled

– March 24th Tuesday ProEnglish Kids’ Class – cancelled

– March 25th Wednesday prayer service – cancelled

– March 27th Friday ProEnglish Kids’ Class – cancelled

– March 28th Saturday Lifeway English Class – cancelled

– March 29th Sunday AM service – as scheduled, 10:30~11:45

– March 29th Sunday lunch – cancelled

– March 29th Sunday school – cancelled

– March 31st Tuesday ProEnglish Kids’ Class – cancelled

The March birthday celebration will be celebrated in April at the same time as the April birthday celebration. Also, in the case of a change in schedule during March, I will contact you by email and social media and inform you. Also, there is a possibility that we will make some major changes to the April schedule. If we do, I will inform you during the Sunday morning worship and by email.

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Merry Christmas!
トップメニューより 集会案内>クリスマス集会>クリスマス2018







若葉聖書バプテスト教会 牧師 ジェームズ・スミス