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“Courageous Christian”

Philippians 1:12-18


As a third-century man was anticipating death, he penned these last words to a friend: "It's a bad world, an incredibly bad world. But I have discovered in the midst of it a quiet and holy people who have learned a great secret. They have found a joy which is a thousand times better than any pleasure of our sinful life. They are despised and persecuted, but they care not. They are masters of their souls. They have overcome the world. These people are the Christians--and I am one of them."  Of course, Jesus is the master of a Christian’s soul, but I think you understand what this person was saying.

Similarly, Paul sits in a Roman prison and awaits his own fate, whether life or death.  However, even though he is in prison, even though he might die for being a Christian, even though he faces horrible persecution, he does not care!  He has overcome the world.  In fact, to Paul, being in prison is an opportunity… an opportunity to tell the Gospel.  Let’s read today’s passage.  (Philippians 1:12-18)

Over the last couple of weeks we have talked about Paul’s thank you letter to the Philippian Church.  They are partnerswith him in preaching the Gospel.  In other words, they have been supporting Paul with prayers and sacrificial giving.  After Paul opens the letter by thanking the Philippian Christians, he gives a missionary report.  He basically tells them that he is in jail (probably in Rome), but he is not miserable.  He is still doing the job that God has given him to do.  He is still preaching the Gospel.  I want to be sure we understand what we mean when we say the Gospel.  (1 Corinthians 15:1-4)  In a nut shell, the Gospel is the good news that Jesus Christ came to this earth, lived a sinless life, died on the cross in the place of sinners against God, and rose from the dead on the third day.  The reason that the Gospel is good news is that because Christ died for us sinners and rose again; we also have the hope of eternal life through him.  This is the good news that Paul was preaching while in prison.

Paul’s actions reveal an important way of thinking for all Christians.  Oftentimes, we don’t think of religious persecution as an opportunity to preach the Gospel or to minister to others.  When we are hurting, we don’t often look at those that are hurting us and think about serving them or telling them the truth of God’s Word.  When we are being persecuted for what we believe, we often think about getting out of that situation or somehow separating from that person.  When I say persecution, I am not necessarily talking about physical harm.  Sometimes, people just make us feel bad about being a Christian.  That reveals another way Christians react to religious persecution.  Some Christians hide the fact that they are a Christian or they just never tell the Gospel message to anyone.  Thus, they avoid persecution.  This way may seem cowardly, but many courageous Christians have tried to endure persecution and in the end given up.
However, Paul’s way of thinking should be an inspiration to us.  It should inspire us to boldly face persecution, no matter what form of persecution.  We Christians should not have to be scared of others for telling them about Jesus Christ.  We should not be fearful for giving others the ultimate hope, namely the love of God and resurrection in Jesus Christ.  In fact, we should want others to have the same hope that we have in Jesus Christ.  Today I want to share to thoughts from this Scripture passage about sharing the Gospel in spite of persecution.  First, let’s pray.


〔 導 入 〕


 今日の聖書の箇所を読みましょう。(ピリピ人への手紙1 1:12−18)


 私たちが傷つく時、私たちを傷つけるその相手をみて、仕えようと思ったり、また真実の 神の言葉を話そうと思わないものです。
Main Points
I.          First, Paul while in prison did not forget the priority to preach the Gospel.  (verses 12 & 13)
A.        Interpretation:  As we read in 1 Corinthians 15, Paul’s priority was preaching the Gospel.  He had the good news and knew that he must preach it while he still had time.  The meaning of verse 12 is that because Paul was put in prison, many Christians might have thought that the preaching of the Gospel would be hindered  That would seem to be true.  Paul is locked up in jail.  He cannot get out.  He is literally in chains.  However, exactly the opposite happened.  The Gospel was preached even more!  There are still people around Paul, guarding him, bringing him food, etc.  Paul spoke to all of the people that would come near him.  It is because Paul did not forget his priority, namely to preach the Gospel.  It is also a wonderful illustration of how God works.  One person said about God, “He brings triumph out of seeming tragedy and beauty from ashes.”  Certainly God’s ways are not man’s ways!Also, verse 13 reveals that many heard the Gospel who would not have otherwise heard it.  The “palace guard”was the regiment given the job of guarding many of the high-ranking Roman government officials.  They also guarded the prisoners who had appealed to Caesar, like Paul.  These soldiers were specially selected soldiers.  They received double the pay of a regular soldier.  According to a Bible historian, they eventually became so powerful that the emperors had to court their favor.  These soldiers had influence.  And Paul witnessed to all of them.  In fact, the words in verse 13 actually indicate that Paul’s Christian reputation became known among them.  This was no small thing.  It’s what can happen when Christians faithfully do God’s work no matter what the circumstances.
〔 主要点 〕

T. はじめに、牢獄に入っている間、パウロは福音を宣べ伝えることの優先性を忘れなかった。(12節、13節)

私達が、コリント人への手紙1 15章で読んだとおり、パウロの優先性は、福音を宣べ伝えることでした。彼は、良い知らせを持っていて、彼の残された時間で、福音を宣べ伝えなければならないと知っていました。
12節の意味は、パウロは、牢獄にいれられていたので、多くのクリスチャンは、福音を宣べ伝えることは、妨げられると考えていたかもしれないということです。本当〔 主要点 〕

B.        Illustration:  No matter what the circumstances, Paul was always ready to preach the Gospel.  In fact, when he was tried in court at another time Paul boldly stood up in front of the court and proclaimed his faith in Jesus Christ as Savior.  He was accused by some Jewish leaders of committing various crimes.  Paul had a right to appeal to be judged at Caesar’s court.  He appealed and was heard by King Agrippa, grandson to Herod the Great and the last Jewish king.  If convicted, Paul would face the judgment of death.  Listen to his testimony.  (Acts 26:1-29)

C.        Application:  Paul’s example teaches us that our priority is always to share the Gospel and to preach God’s Word, no matter what the circumstances.  This has always been my thinking for all of the ministries of Wakaba Church.  Everything we do, no matter if it is making food or organizing events or teaching English, our priority is to share the Gospel and help others grow in Christ.  Furthermore, that should be your priority in your life.  All of us have responsibilities and homes.  However, those activities are not an end by themselves.  They are opportunities that God has given us to share His love with others.  No matter what you are doing, whether it be working or going out with friends, your priority should always be to share the love of God, namely the Gospel, with others.

II.        Second, Paul’s preaching the Gospel while being persecuted was an inspiration to other Christians to preach the Gospel.  (verses 14-18)
A.        Interpretation:  Apparently, other Christians heard that Paul was preaching Christ in spite of being in chains, and they were motivated to preach Christ, too.  Before that, maybe they were afraid that if they told others about Jesus they would be severely persecuted.  However, through Paul’s courage other Christians received courage and began sharing their faith.
According to verses 15-17, some were motivated by love and shared their faith in Christ; but others were motivated by envy and strife.  The word “contention” in verse 17 means selfish ambition.  I personally have seen forms of this before.  Once I was at a church activity.  I noticed a junior high school boy sitting alone after eating his lunch.  I came near to him and began asking him questions to get to know him.  I asked him if he had ever believed in Jesus as His Savior.  He said, “No.”  I asked him if he wanted to believe in Jesus.  He said, “Yes.”  I was so happy that this boy was about to trust in Jesus as his Savior.  However, apparently someone next to us was listening.  When the boy said that he wanted to believe in Jesus as His Savior, the other person sitting near us, listening to our conversation suddenly interrupted me and began talking to the boy.  It was like he took over the conversation.  After that, I did not try to enter the conversation again.  I really wanted the boy to get saved, and I thought that if I tried to jump in the conversation, the boy might have second thoughts.  The boy did get saved and it was announced to the church that evening.  It hurt my feelings that my conversation was interrupted.  However, I did not save the boy; God saved him.  Therefore, God should get all the glory.  I think Paul was similarly rejoicing that regardless of the motivation, the Gospel was still being preached.

Also, verses 14-18 indicate that those that were preaching God’s Word out of selfish ambition were trying to hurt Paul in some way.  Possibly during their message, they spoke out against Paul.  Maybe they thought that Paul was trying to draw attention to himself by getting put in jail.  Nonetheless, they were somehow trying to cause Paul harm.  Again, Paul did not care; he was just rejoicing that the Gospel was being preached.


U. 二番目に、迫害にあっている間のパウロの福音伝道は、他のクリスチャンにとって、福音を伝えるための励ましでした。(14−18節)


B.        Illustration:  Christians hurting other Christians has been a problem since the time of the first Christians.  (Luke 9:49, 50)  This passage suggests that we need not hurt other Christians who are not part of our group or who are not following us.  There are times to speak against and warn others about false teachers who teach a different Gospel and a different god.  (2 Peter 2:1)  However, we Christians should not speak against others just because they are not following us.  Furthermore, Paul even tolerated those who spoke against him.  He was rejoicing that the Gospel was being preached!
C.        Application:  Paul is an inspiration to us to preach the Gospel.  Furthermore, there are those among us who are telling the Gospel to their friends, family, and coworkers.  We should be inspired and preach the Gospel, too!  Furthermore, we should preach the Gospel out of love.  Paul was rejoicing that regardless of the motivation the Gospel was being preached.  However, the best motivation to preach the Gospel is love.  The Gospel message itself is a message of love.  It is the message of Jesus Christ dying for mankind on the cross.  It is the greatest act of love in the history of man.  Telling it with selfish ambition taints the message.
So, I want to give you a few suggestions for you to have courage in telling the Gospel.  First, you have to be saved.  In other words, you have to believe in Jesus Christ as your Savior.  Next, you should be certain of what you believe.  In other words, you should have confidence that Jesus is the only way to Heaven.  While believing in Jesus is a step of faith, it is not blind faith.  There are very logical reasons for believing in Jesus as Savior.  I am studying through some of those reasons with a few people within Wakaba now.  If you have interest in studying with us, please let me know.  Next, write down your testimony of salvation.  It is good to be able to tell your testimony of salvation in about 2-3 minutes.  Next, talk to those who are witnesses.  We have a few in our church.  Talk to them and receive inspiration.  Next, see the true condition of people.  All people are sinners and desperately need someone to save them.  They need the love of God.  Think of them as in need of a Savior and desire to give them the only message that will save them.  Finally, pray.  Pray for courage and pray for God to give you obvious opportunities to tell the Gospel message.  If you pray for that, God will give it to you.  Be ready!


 Conclusion:  In conclusion, we need to remember that our priority here at Wakaba is to preach God’s Word and especially the Gospel message.  We are a church that stands completely on God’s Word!  We believe that God has given us His Word to tell us the Gospel that we might be saved and to teach us how to follow Him.  Our priority is to tell it to everyone.  Our theme this year is “Across the Street, All Around the Word.”  This theme emphasizes the need to tell the Gospel to our neighborhood and to the entire world.  It is our priority.

Also, we need to be courageous and tell the Gospel message to others.  So many brothers and sisters before us have been persecuted and died for the sake of the Gospel.  It is because they believed God’s Word and they loved people like Christ does.  We, too, need to love God and others and courageously tell the wonderful Gospel message.  Let’s pray.

〔 結 論 〕
