English   日本語訳


Many people and many nations have mottos by which to live. For example, here are a few that Americans might use. “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” “Learn from yesterday; live for today; hope for tomorrow.” “All things are possible to him who believes.” “Never give up.” “Try? There is no try. Do – or do not.” (Yoda from Star Wars) “If life hands you lemons, make lemonade” or “Roll with the punches.”
And here are some Japanese mottos. ("spread the spirit of nurturing rightness"). (Japanese, "accumulate joyousness and stack brightness"). (“If you do not enter the tiger’s cave, you will not catch its cub.” or “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.”) (“Perseverance is power.”) It’s good to have mottos. They remind us in just a few words what is really important. Of course, there are mottos that would not apply to Christians like, “Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we shall die.” However, many are useful.
In today’s passage, Paul tells his life motto. Let’s read. (Philippians 1:19-26) Remember, during the writing of this letter, Paul is in prison in Rome. The ruler at that time was Nero. Nero was known for torturing and killing whenever and whoever he wanted. Tacitus was a historian in first century Rome. He says this about Nero:
“Besides being put to death, the Christians were made to serve as objects of amusement. They were clothed in the hides of beasts and torn to death by dogs. Others were crucified. Others were set on fire to serve to illuminate the night. Nero had opened his kingdom and was putting on a show. He mingled with the people in the dress of a charioteer and drove about in his chariot. All this gave rise to a feeling of pity. It was felt that they—the Christians—were being destroyed not for the public good but to gratify the cruelty of an individual.”
This is what was going on in Rome when Paul was in prison there. There was an emperor who was torturing Christians to satisfy his own evil desires. This is the guy that Paul is going up against. Paul will have to give a defense in front of Nero for the charges brought against him. And he tells the Philippian Christians his life motto, what he believes about life. “For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”
Most religions try to answer at least two questions: “What is life?” and “What is death?” The answers vary depending on the religion. Buddhism teaches, “To live is to achieve good Karma, and to die is to hope for a better reincarnation.” Islam teaches, “To live is to obey Allah, and if your good deeds outweigh your bad deeds, death is to receive a personal paradise (except for women).” Some non-religious people answer those two questions this way: “To live is to serve self, and to die is loss.” That's what many people in the world believe. In other words, life is all about the self, and to die is to lose everything.
But Paul tells us something completely different. Essentially Paul writes this to the Philippian Christians: “"I don't know what will happen. I'm in prison. My trial is coming up. I don't know if I will be found guilty and executed. But if I die, I think of it as gain because I get to be with Jesus, and I really want that. Or maybe they'll release me. If they release me, that's great, too, because I get to be with you.” Paul’s motto, in other words his philosophy of life, is the Christian motto. We should live for Christ every moment of every day. Also, we should not fear death since it means we go to Heaven and see our Savior. We should look forward to going to Heaven. However, we often live according to some of the other mottos that do not fit with Jesus and the Bible. Sometimes, we live for our own self and our own dreams and ambitions, and Jesus is just something we add to all the other things we believe. Sometimes we say we believe in Jesus but we hold on to our other beliefs. However, for the Christian, life is Christ only, and death is not fearful because when we die, we will be with Jesus. Today, I want us to stop and think for a few minutes how we really live. During this message, say the statement in your mind, “For me to live is ________, and death is ________.” Ask yourself what you really believe. And then, I want to encourage you to make a real decision to live for Christ only. First, let’s pray.




 その頃の支配者は、ネロでした。ネロは、彼の思いのままに、いつでも誰でも、酷く苦しめ殺す人、として知られていました。タキトゥスは、1世紀ローマの歴史学者でした。  彼は、ネロについてこう述べています。
 「死に至らされる以外は、クリスチャンは娯楽の対象として仕えせられていた。彼らは、獣の皮を着せられ、犬によって殺された。他には、十字架にはり付けられたり、夜の灯りのために放火された。ネロは、彼の王国をひらき、お披露目会(ショー)を催した。  ネロは、一人乗り二輪車の操縦者の服装で人々に混ざり、彼が自分で馬車を走らせた。 全てのこの行いは、哀れみの気持ちを強めた。クリスチャンは、公共の利益の為ではなく、ネロの残酷さを満足させるために殺されていたと思われていたのである。」と。


 そして、死ということは、―――。」 自分は、何を本当に信じているのか、自問してください。そして、キリストのためだけに生きるという本当の決心をされることをお勧めしたいです。はじめにお祈り致しましょう。

A. Interpretation: Oftentimes it is like we want everything to revolve around us, our dreams, our hopes, our ambitions, OUR plans. One Christian theologian (G.K. Chesterton) told a parable about a boy who was given magical opportunity to become small or big. Predictably, the boy chose to be made gigantic. And in a matter of three minutes, he could stride across the world. He could go up to Mount Everest and kick it over like a sand castle). But after a few days of this he got bored because the whole earth felt as big as his back yard. There was no one to play with and nothing to do. Had that boy instead chosen to be made small, his back yard could have been like the Amazon rain forest. He could have spent his whole life exploring just his back yard, just his neighborhood. Even though we may act humble, we often like to make ourselves, our dreams, our plans big and God’s plans small. We place ourselves at the center of the metaphoric solar system. John the Baptist said that I must decrease and Jesus must increase. (John 3:30) We should become smaller and the one true God and our Savior should become bigger.

There is a lot of superficial Christianity in the world too. This is because Jesus is merely added to our lives. We stay at the center of our world, and we ask Jesus to orbit around us. We say, “I like Jesus; He's great. I want some Jesus, I want some Christianity, and I want some church. But I'm going to stay at the center of my life. Jesus, you orbit around me. I'll see you every time you come around.”

B. Application: The real issue that we are talking about is idolatry. Idolatry is putting anything other than God at the center of your life, at the center of your solar system. A certain pastor says, “An idol is anything that gets more glory in our eyes than God gets, or is more important in our eyes than God is.” What was the first commandment God gave to his people? Let’s look. (Exodus 20:3; 1 Corinthians 8:4-6) The first commandment is to not have anything other than God at the center of your life. What is at the center of our lives? Or who is at the center of our lives? Who or what is our god? Is it the one true God? What are your idols? We don't want Jesus to be an add-on god. We don't want to have our life, our way, with a little Jesus sprinkled on top like dessert. Jesus is our Savior; He deserves more than just being added on.

Here are some questions to help you discover your idols.
What do I worry about most?
What do I use to comfort myself when things go badly or when things are difficult?
What do I daydream about?
What makes me feel worthy? What is the first thing I want people to know about me?
What do I expect out of life? What would make me happy?

Think about those questions. It's important to know what drives your life. I think there are some major idols among people of today and I’m not talking about actual things. These idols are really about the self.

Approval or Acceptance – An idol that a lot of us have is approval. We love affirmation. Your greatest fear is rejection, because you can't handle the thought of being discarded by somebody. Therefore, maybe everyone does not know that you are a Christian.

Another idol is control. You really like self-discipline, certainty, and standards. Your greatest fear is uncertainty. Therefore, you do a lot of worrying.

A third idol is power. You want success, you want to win, you want to influence. Your greatest fear is humiliation. You can't handle humiliation.

Notice what Paul didn't say in that prison cell. He didn't say, “To live is self,” in that prison cell. He didn't say, “To live is comfort.” He didn't say, “To live is approval,” “To live is control,” or “To live is power.” He said, “To live is Christ,” because he knew that Christ is greater than these idols we bow down to and build our lives upon. Do you want approval? Christ died for you. You can find all the approval you could ever want in Christ. What about control? Christ holds the whole universe in His hands. Only in Him can you find relief from the things you are afraid of. Only then can you let go of control. What about power? Christ will never leave you humiliated. He is faithful, and you can cling to him. Clinging to the world’s way is slavery. The world teaches, “To live is self; to live is to bow down to approval, control, power, etc.” That's making yourself gigantic when you should be worshipping the one true God.

A. (解釈)
 私たちは、太陽系の中心に自分たちを置きます。バプテスマのヨハネは言いました。 私は小さくなり、イエス様は大きくならなければならない、と。(ヨハネによる福音書3:30)私たちは、より小さくなり、真実の神様であり、私たちの救い主がより大きくなるべきなのです。(あの方は栄え、私は衰えねばならない。)


(出エジプト記20:3 第一コリント人への手紙8:4-6)
・ 私は、何を一番にするか?
・ 物事が悪く進んでいる時、或いは、物事が難航している時、自分を慰める為に何を使うか?
・ 私は、どんな事を思い巡らすか?
・ 私は、どんなことに価値を見出すか?
・ 私は、人々に自分についてまず知ってもらいたいことは何か?
・ 私は、人生から何を期待しているか?何が私を幸せにするだろうか?

(是認 または 受け入れ)

 あなたが、かつて欲していた全ての是認を、キリストの中に見つける事ができます。  支配はどうでしょう。
 キリストは、真実なお方です。そして、あなたは、その方にすがりつく事ができます。  世の中のやり方にしがみつく事は、奴隷の状態です。
A. Interpretation: Death comes for all people. We have to face the reality that everybody in this room will die. Everyone in our city will take a last breath. We can sometimes forget that. Sometimes it is easy to not think about death. People in this church will die. Death comes. We have to wrestle with what the Apostle Paul says.

The world teaches us, “To live is self, and to die is loss.” If you die, you lose something. That makes sense because how you define life controls how you define death. If life is all about self, then death of self is definitely loss. If life is all about control or power, you're not going to like death because you don't know when it's going to come.

But Paul says this: “Death is gain.” In other words, things get better. You get more of what you want. In verse 23 Paul says, “I have a desire to depart, and to be with Christ, which is far better.” So if you define life though Christ, then death is gain. In a sense, when you die you get more of Christ.

B. Illustration: Recently, Missionary to Japan for over 60 years Lavern Rodgers’ wife Clara passed away. The wake was held at Chofu Church on Thursday of last week and the funeral was held on Friday. I was at junior camp, so I could not attend. However, Mikio and Etsuko Takahashi attended the wake on Thursday. I heard that it was not like your typical funeral. It was a joyful occasion. Of course, everyone is sad because they will miss her. However, we know that she is in Heaven. We know that she is in a better place. We know that she is experiencing the “gain” of being with her Savior Jesus Christ.

C. Application: So the message of this world is “to live is self, and to die is loss.” People that live by this message will be killed by it. The essence of all sin is to live for self rather than to live for God and for other people. Jesus summed up the Old Testament with two commandments. (Matthew 22:37-40) Sin is a distortion of those two callings, and the Scriptures threaten horrible things for all who will not heed that message. The Scriptures are clear that there is eternal death for those of us who refuse Jesus and live based on the motto, “To live is self, and to die is loss.”

But Paul's message will set you free. “To live is Christ, and to die is gain.” That message begins with the fact that Christ came to die for your selfishness. We're all selfish in different ways. Jesus came to forgive our sin. He came to rescue us. Jesus comes to set us free from the false gods and idols that we worship. He changes our metaphorical solar system); He places Himself in the center. He says, “No, I want to set you free. I want to make you small. I'm going to be at the center of your life, and you're going to orbit around Me. You're going to love it, because I am God and I am great, and I created you for my glory, and I will love you perfectly.” That's a beautiful thing.

That's why a Christian is invincible. Even if you kill me, I'm not defeated. I get to be with Jesus. I'm going to live forever in the presence of Jesus, worshipping him. That's true freedom. Paul truly believed this. No matter what happened to Paul, he experienced more freedom. Do you want to throw me in prison? Do you want to beat me? Do you want to take away my money? Do you want to take my life? I don't care. I'm free because to live is Christ. My life isn't based upon the freedom to do whatever I want. It's based on Jesus Christ, and He's never going to fail me.

 この部屋にいる誰もが、死ぬという現実に直面しなければならないのです。この町のだれもが、息を引き取ります。 私たちは、時々、そのことを忘れてしまいます。 時に、死について考えないことは気が楽です。

 世の中は、「生きることは自分自身、そして死ぬことは、損失である」と私たちに教えます。 もし、あなたが死ねば、あなたは何かを失います。 あなたがどのように命を定義するかによって、死を定義するので納得がいきます。 もし、命が自分自身に関するすべてであるなら、自分自身の死は、確かに損失です。 もし、命が全て、支配や権力に関するものなら、あなたは、死がいつくるかわからないので、どうも死を好きになれないでしょう。

 「死は利益です」と。別のいい方をするなら、物事は、よくなるということです。 あなたの欲しいものをさらに得るのです。 23節で、パウロは、「この世を去って、キリストと共にいたいと熱望しており、この方が、はるかに望ましい」と言います。 それなので、もしあなたが、キリストを通して死を定義するなら、死は、利益なのです。 ある意味では、あなたが死ぬ時、あなたは、キリストをさらに得ることができるのです。

 前夜式が先週の木曜日に、そして、ご葬儀が金曜日に、調布教会で行なわれました。 私は、ジュニアキャンプがあったため、出席できませんでしたが、執事夫妻が、前夜式に出席しました。
 勿論、クララ先生がお亡くなりになり、誰もがとても悲しかったのです、が、しかし、私たちは、彼女が今はより良い場所である天国にいることを知っています。 クララ先生は、彼女の救い主である、イエス・キリストと共にいることの利益を体験しているということを、私たちは知っているのです。



 CONCLUSION: In conclusion, I think these were the words in Paul's head when, as legend has it, Paul came outside the gates of Rome, got down on his knees, bared his neck, and was beheaded for his faith in Christ: To live is Christ, and to die is gain. I believe he faced that moment with fear, because we're all afraid of a big knife. But I also believe he faced that moment predominantly with joy. He believed this. It wasn't just in his Bible, and it wasn't just on the coffee mug he had with him in prison. It was on his heart. So he faced death with joy. He knew he had been saved from hell to everlasting life.

What about you? Are you ready to face death with joy? Have you trusted in Jesus Christ to save you? Are you looking forward to seeing Jesus face to face? Today is your chance to begin to believe.

Also, what is your idol? Do you live completely for Christ? Or do you struggle with worshiping the idols of control, power, and acceptance? Today, begin asking God to help you forsake those idols and worship Him only. Today, ask God to help you to live for Christ only. Let’s pray.


